Silane coupling agents

Tetra ethyl ortho silicate – COUPSYL® TEOS
Tetra ethyl ortho silicate – COUPSYL® TEOS Tetra ethyl ortho silicate, also known as tetra ethoxy silane , is a flammable, colorless liquid with a medium

Tetra methyl ortho silicate – COUPSYL® TMOS
Tetra methyl ortho silicate – COUPSYL® TMOS Tetra methyl ortho silicate, also known as tetra methoxy silane, is a member of the alkoxy silane family and
Lithium-based concrete hardeners

Concrete sealer – COUPSYL® LS-SEALER
Concrete Sealer – COUPSYL®LS-SEALER LS-SEALER attractive concrete sealer is used to increase impermeability, more gloss and shine, sealing and anti-neck and dusting all types of concrete

Lithium concrete hardener COUPSYL®LS-HARDENER
Lithium concrete hardener COUPSYL®LS-HARDENER COUPSYL® LS-HARDENER as a liquid lithium-based concrete hardener is a colorless, transparent and full mineral solution. Lithium silicate concrete hardener with its

Lithium-based concrete densifier COUPSYL®LS-DENSIFIER
lithium-based concrete densifier COUPSYL®LS-DENSIFIER COUPSYL® LS-DENSIFIER as a liquid lithium-based concrete densifier is a colorless, transparent and full mineral solution. This product with its high penetration
Nano hydrophobic products

Water repellent silane–siloxane COUPSYL® SWRS
Water repellent silane–siloxane COUPSYL® SWRS Manufacturer of Water repellent silane–siloxane Couple Shimi Sepahan Company with the brand name COUPSYL® SWRS is a solvent-based. This product, which

Nano Acrylic Coating COUPCOAT® NAC
Nano Acrylic Coating COUPCOAT® NAC Nano acrylic coating or COUPCOAT®NAC is a glossy water-repellent coating with nanotechnology for all types of building surfaces, which is based

Efflorescence remover solution COUPCLEAN® ERS
efflorescence remover solution COUPCLEAN® ERS COUPCLEAN® ERS efflorescence remover solution is an efflorescence cleaner for all types of building surfaces. This product with high desalination power

Water repellent siliconate – COUPSYL® WRS
Water repellent siliconate – COUPSYL® WRS COUPSYL® WRS is a water repellent product based on methyl siliconate and can be used to hydrophobicize various building surfaces,
Reactive concrete colors

Acid stain neutralizing powder – COUPCOLOR® ANP
Acid stain neutralizing powder – COUPCOLOR® ANP Acid stain neutralizing powder – COUPCOLOR® ANP – is used to neutralize excess and non-reactive paints of acid stain

Concrete Acid Stain – COUPCOLOR® CAS
Concrete Acid Stain Color – COUPCOLOR® CAS Concrete acid stain colors are used to paint all types of concrete surfaces. This products penetrates the concrete texture
Cement base repair products

Two-component repair putty
Two-component repair putty Repair putty is a two-component concrete for repairing old concretes, concrete columns and foundations, and filling and repairing any type of concrete. The

Single-component and two-component seam isulation
Single-component and two-component seam isulation seam isulator is available in two forms, single-component and two-components. These seam isulation are suitable for isulating kitchen floors, bathrooms and

Pool insulation (pool paint)
Pool insulation ( pool paint ) Pool insulation (pool paint) has excellent properties, the most important feature of this product is high adhesion and also due

Special floor repair adhesive
Special floor repair adhesive Special floor concrete repair adhesive is used for repairing and regenerating concrete floors during flooring and repairs and fills seam and cracks